Monday, November 3, 2008

some lists

Things I like:
When guys call girls they think are hot "bombshells", giant $1 cans of Arizona iced tea, Los Angeles, my blue leather jacket, insomnia, Barack Obama, philisophical phone calls, punching bags, when people understand, extra cheese on french onion soup, when people forget your name and just ask again for it instead of calling you "", neon orange bras and their corresponding comments, grand pianos, people-watching, when it's above 75 degrees in the middle of the night, The Mountain Goats, letting go.

Things I don't like:
Inferiority complexes, when girls refer to each other as "bitch" in a way that's supposed to be endearing, crushes, memorizing lines, anyone in California right now, class before noon, pretty girls who make it look effortless and the guys who like them, being an open book, the very end of asparagus where it's all stringy, being broke, promises, letting go.


Steph said...

I love your lists, I love your blog, and most of all I love you.

I enjoyed a few things on your list that I will flatter myself and go ahead and think I helped inspire them (i.e. philosophical phone calls).
I agree with pretty much every word of your list.

But, really?? EVERYONE in California??? OUCH

Keep 'em coming eeeebs, I love reading these, they brighten my foggy San Francisco days.

Radstronomical said...

she's a bombshell